Family tree

A way to structure information about ancestors, to draw up a schematic history of the genus.

A family tree is a great gift that shows the history of your family in a visual form, visualizes it in the form of a tree. Symbolic links connect the past with the present, and you can see where the family came from, where the ancestors lived, worked and ended their journey.
How a family tree is compiled:
Pedigree scheme, verification with the Customer
You provide information about your family, or we use information we obtain from research
Placement of personalities in the finished design
You choose your favorite version of the substrate for the family tree
Coordination with the Customer of the final result
The designer draws up a composition and sends it to you for approval, you choose in what form you want to get the tree
Printing a finished family tree
We send you the family tree and its electronic version
Find out the history of your family by leaving a request and our team will contact you
By filling out the form, you agree to the Privacy Policy and give your consent to the processing of personal data
Contact us:
Office in Italy:
Viale Virgilio 58/C, 41 123
Modena, Italia
Genesis Srls
+7 904 244-60-39 (Aleksey)
+7 969 728 66 92 (Pavel)
+39 333 188 0123 (Ekaterina)
Office in Russia:
10th Sovetskaya street, building 4 A, apartment 43
Saint-Petersburg, Russia